Joshua Kane – Voice Overs

"A voice that mesmerizes." – NY Daily News

Our Gift to You

Free Audiobook – Gift of the Magi.

As our country grapples with recent events, we wanted to help bring people back to the true spirit of the holidays, to remind us of the best that we can be. Please enjoy this recording as our gift, and feel free to share the link with family and friends.

Should you wish to aid in bringing some added light and hope to others, you may choose to make a donation to one of the outstanding organizations listed below.

With warm regards,

The Kane Family

The Gift of the Magi:
Download Mp3

Share the bounty of the season through City Harvest NYC.

Support “an  unflinching look at the world, tempered with a satirical eye and sardonic sense of humor.” Kurt Vonnegut Museum*Library

Help bring Peace on Earth through the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Help Children with Disabilities to Reach their Full Potential with the Providence Child Center Foundation.

Please let us know if hearing this story lifts your day

 Hope to meet you at one of my performances when I am on tour.